In today business, psychology in
work life is more important than the past when stakeholders who relating to
company operation, have impact on success of company. In this assignment,
Blackberry ltd situation will be analyzed in which we will discuss different
perspectives in occupational psychology and then apply the knowledge of impact
of change in business
1.1 Describe
the major theoretical approaches
Humanistic Approach
Humanistic is a
psychological approach that highlight the research of human being. Advocate
humanism examine human behavior not just from the view of observer but from the
view of performing behave person. It is believed that individual’s behavior has
the rapport with their inner feeling and human nature. Humanistic also specialized
in the way people feel the world around them. The approach focuses on human’s
ability to create our personal meaning from our experience (Spinelli, 1989). It
is stated that human experience of the world consist of interaction concerning
raw matter and mental of human.
Humanistic play
an important role on the integrity and sense making of people due to the fact
that the people interpretation of an event is widely agreed whereas others are
individual and not widely agreed. In addition, a number of perspectives can
generally be known as phenomenological and personal growth or
self-actualization is one of them which usually be called humanism.
For example, bland
and boring working environment could lead to boredom among employee. In this
case, humanistic perspective will encourage them to do some soul-searching to
fulfill their mind or to find better job offer.
Behaviorist approach
Behaviorist is a
psychological approach that focuses on what people do and reward and
punishments influence that. According to the theory, it is based on the notion
that human behaviors are developed with conditioning and does not relate to
internal mental state. Conditioning appear via condition with the world around
people. Advocate behaviorist think that people’s reaction to environment form
their behaviors and the research only focuses on observable behaviors whereas
cognitions, emotion and mood are considered subjective.
For instance, if
an employee is late to workplace many times, he or she will be disciplined, got
salary deduction or even fined. Behaviorist encourage them to come to workplace
on time.
Cognitive approach
Social cognition
is psychological approach that examines how people think about, regulate their
behaviors and themselves. Cognitive psychology high light the way human
acquire, process, store information and interpret social psychological
phenomena such as the self as well. This means that the cognitive psychologist
examines the inner processes which consist of perception, attention, memory,
thinking and language. Cognitive approach has numerous application that can
apply to real life such as increasing decision making precision, enhancing
memory and building educative curricula to improve learning.
For example,
during operations of business, manager may face many problems that need to be
considered carefully to have final decision. In this case, cognitive approach
is applied in which the information is selected and processed. Consequently,
appropriate judgment and decision could be reached.
In my opinion, behaviorist
is the most suitable method for Blackberry due to the fact that it will
behavior of employee to reach the best solution for the company. Additionally,
company could also use cognitive approach to examine working processes and
improve these process.
Theoretical approaches on occupational
For humanism
personality, teaching is a good place for them who see the potential in all
human beings. Humanists believe that all people have the ability to learn and
behave. A teacher with humanism personality will believes in students and
encourage them to fulfill their life.
personality could find work which related to therapists, counselors and social
workers for children, adults or the elderly. Counselors and therapist have
study on human behavior so they can help individuals or families manage and
control any problem they meet in life. They have good listening skills so that
they can help patients overcome and handle emotional problems such as trauma,
divorce or grief. For social workers, they can cure and detect people with a
number of problems, including behavioral, psychological and emotional. They
usually are employed by government to deliver aid and services to adults,
families, children and the elderly.
psychologists examine the way the human brain expresses reality, the way people
understand and make decisions, and also the way people use judgment. Cognitive
psychologists are suitable to work in software development, human resources,
organizational development, marketing and advertising. For software development,
they fits well with this type of business as they can create from their
understanding of the way people reasons and observes things in a user interface
design. In addition, cognitive psychologist can work in area of human resource
and organizational development. These people can help business to reach their
goal with human resources and management systems.
Pros and cons of the approaches
+ Concentrate on whole person rather than the
unconscious mind, genes, observable behavior…
+ Humanistic psychology values personal belief and
+Concentrate on the importance of more individual
and idiographic methods of study.
+Humanism ignores the unconscious mind.
+ Qualitative data is difficult to compare.
+ Their belief in free will is in opposition to the
deterministic laws of science.
+ Human and animal can be compared
+ Scientific approach
+ Highly applicable
+ Emphasizes on objective measurement
+ Many experiments support for theories
+Identified comparisons between animals and humans
+ Ignores biology
+ Too deterministic
+ Can’t compare animals to humans
+ Reductionist
Cognitive tradition
+ Scientific
+ Highly applicable
+ Combines easily with approaches
+ Many empirical studies to support theories
+ Ignores biology
+ Can’t objectively study unobservable behavior
+ Introspection is subjective
+ Machine reductionism
1.2 Assess
the contribution of a scientific approach to investigating workplace behavior.
approaches create a great importance for people and they also develop a close
relationship among employees. For example, when it comes to humanistic
approach, it help to satisfies human being mean because it high light personal
ideals and self-fulfillment. Understanding humanistic approach, manager can
know human nature of employees so as manager will appropriate treat to them. In
addition, employees can also be motivated with some valuable things instead of
financial gains. Employees are human being therefore it is required to treat
them like humans not like equipment and they are deserved to have recognition
from managers. Additionally, manager need to make an effort to understand them
and their sentiments as the business operates not just with the formal
relationship but also with informal rapport. For that reason, manager manage to
encourage the formal and informal relations among company staffs. They provide
their staffs the safety from the career and a high level of fulfillment.
1.3 Assess
strength and limitations of quantitative and qualitative approaches to
understanding workplace behavior
1.3.1. Describe the methods in
Survey is a tool
that is used to collect information from individuals or group of people. Surveys are typically used in work psychology
to gather self-information from company employees. In survey questionnaire which
is used to conduct information could possibly concentrate on informative
details about individuals, or it may attempt to gather the ideas of participants.
Surveys are usually standardized to make sure that they have trustworthiness
and validity. Standardization is also essential so that the outcome could be
generalized to entire organization population.
For instance, in
order to examine level of satisfaction of employees, a survey will be conducted
among company’s staffs. Questionnaire will focus on employee current position,
company strategy, objectives, issues, improvements … Satisfaction survey will
help manager to understand and measure employees’ attitude, their ideas,
satisfaction and motivation. Consequently, manager will have appropriate
improvement to reduce turnover, absence, increase productivity, improve self-esteem,
and have greater skills retention as well. Thus, business can become interested
through improving working environment.
Interviews are
different from survey since they include social interaction and could be
structured or unstructured. As opposed to survey, it is required to be trained
to know how to interview. During the interview, interviewer can ask many
different questions which can lead to different informations. For example,
general questions provide researchers fixed set of responses while advance
question require participant express in their own words. In addition, the used
language in the interview should be appropriate to participants and the topic
should not be sensitive which could lead to participants uncomfortable.
For example, when
company want to recruit new staff, they will organize interviews. The
interviewers will prepare questions to check candidates skill whether they
suitable or not.
1.3.2. Explain
the differences between quantitative and qualitative approach
_Quantitative approach gather information that
relating to a phenomenon in a large number of participants
_The approach is conducted with large number of
individual and data is analyzed by statistic technique
_Moreover, the surveys can be conducted across
groups. For instance, the same survey can be used different groups with
different training.
_ The results of surveys can be used to compare on
outcome, interest and determine what factor affect training course.
_It is easy to conduct a survey many times, thus we
can conclude specific factors that affect outcomes.
_The qualitative method collect data related to a phenomenon
in a deep way.
_This method is done by interviewing with open
questions. It usually research on small number of participants
_ Interviews can be highly structured with open
questions or unstructured with advance question.
_The number of participant is small so findings
from qualitative approach cannot be generalized to the whole population. However,
the approach have function as a spring board for larger studies and deeper
1.3.3. Identify
the methods best used in your chosen organization
Both methods
have their own strengths that need to apply to Blackberry. If manager want to
do research across large number of participants to gather statistical data
about responses, quantitative approach is the most suitable for the company. If
they want to investigate in depth way to discover individual think and feel,
qualitative approach is chosen. Therefore, using both methods are necessary for
Blackberry during the crisis period.
1.3.4. Evaluate
the effectiveness and limitations of the above approaches and methods in
understanding workplace behavior at large and in your organization in
information from a large number of participant
_Allow cross
conduct in different group for comparison
_The result
could be generalized to broader population
_Outcome in
numerical and rate
determining relationship among variables
_It is
difficulty to recognize new and untouched phenomena
_Should be
careful in interpretation without a group control
_Permit to
recognize new and untouched phenomena
_Can reach deeper
understanding of mechanisms
_Gives a one
by one and subjective information
information can be converted into numerical form.
_Are not
able to extend to the general population
in using statistical methods
in evaluating relationship among characteristics
Quantitative and
qualitative are highly informative, especially if using them combination. Each
approach has its own benefits and disadvantages therefore it is needed to be
aware of the methods used to collect information.
3.1 Use
theory to explain human reactions to change
3.1.1. Blackberry changes
In late 2013,
Blackberry fell into severe crisis that put itself up for sale. At that time,
Blackberry was losing its customers, employees, share value, cash and revenue.
This originated from the failure of new operating system called Blackberry 10,
changes in Blackberry design in which 5 function keys was discarded and changes
in strategies of former CEO Thorsten Heins who cut 40 percent company
workforce. Facing this situation, Canadian smartphone maker had to fire its CEO
and be replaced by John Chen. Company was sold at $4.7 billion dollars and received
$1 billion dollars fundraising from its largest shareholder, Fairfax Financial.
There are many significant changes after John Chen having position of
Blackberry CEO.
At first, for
the app store, company made a deal with Amazon to bring its app store to
Blackberry devices. Thus Blackberry users can access more than 240,000 new apps
without doing much work. For the hardware, company had a contract with Foxconn
manufacturing to build entry level Blackberry phone so that company can
concentrate on build higher end devices. On the other word, this help to reduce
inventory risk of Blackberry. Moreover, company change product design by
bringing back 5 function keys and provide more accurate typing experience with
physical keyboard instead of touch screen. In addition, cost controlling is
made one of top priorities of company in order to save cost.
instead of just focus on individual customer, company returned to its origin
market for business in which it already had reputation. In addition, Blackberry
also focus on Blackberry Messenger (BBM) and operating system QNX which are
strength of the company. BBM is opened up for used on IOS and Android, not just
in Blackberry devices anymore whereas QNX focus on traditional in security and
3.1.2 Reactions, behavior, resistance
and responses to change in Blackberry
As reported by
Kubler Ross, there are five stages of grief: denial, anger, bargaining,
depression and acceptance.
The first stage in Kubler Ross model is Denial.
In this stage, people who suffer damage cannot accept the loss has taken place.
The feeling is experiencing a bad dream, the loss is out of the real world and
they are waiting for waking up to get rid of the dream.
The second stage is Anger. After people passed
denial stage, they accepted occurrence of the loss, feel anger with themselves
or with others and unfairness of it.
The next stage is bargain. This stage involves
the hope that people can undo the loss or avoid the cause of loss. There also
usually includes promises for better behaviors or life along with the hope to
reverse the loss.
When it is clear that anger and bargain cannot
reverse loss, people will fell into Depression stage where they accept to be
attached with sadness, regret, fear or uncertainty.
Finally people will enter acceptance stage where
people begin to accept their mortality or unavoidable future, or terrible
event. This stage varies according to the person's situation.
In case of
Blackberry, when new CEO apply his change, some employees and stakeholders may
disagree with the change and go through five stages of grief of Kubler Ross
model. At the first time, they deny the changes because company returned to its
roots product which they leaved for a long time. Additionally, changing in
product design and having partnership with Foxconn rise many disagreement among
employees because they had spent much time on designing product. They doubt
about the possibility of the changes. In the next stage, employee feel angry
because what they did during the past have been changed. The following is that
people think about opportunity for them to design the product more complete
without the change. They seek to negotiate for change, however it is not going
to change the decision. Thus employee fell into depression stage. Finally, they
accept the change and try to follow the change.
3.2 Make justified recommendations for
implementing change in a selected work group
When facing the
resistance of change, there are several methods that could help to eliminate
the change such as Education and Communication, Participation, Building support
and Commitment, Implementing Changes fairly, Cooptation, Selecting people who
accept change, Coercion. For Blackberry situation, I choose three methods for
further analysis.
The first method
is to use education and communication. Having
partnership with Foxconn, company can focus its workforce to build high end
devices. For employees who do not meet the requirement for designing or
assemble such devices, company will offer them training course so that they can
continue to work for Blackberry.
The next is to
build support and commitment. The previous product of Blackberry was designed
with touch green and brand-new new operating system (OS). When John Chen decide
to change product design, he gave them time to design, build new product and
fix the OS. In addition, it is ensured that Blackberry will not cut off job
when signing contract with Foxconn.
Finally is to
select who accept to change. For those who are willing to change, they can
continue to work whereas who is not ready for change they will be fire.
Impact of attitudes on organizational
The attitudes of employees won’t have much
effect on organizational change. Due to the fact that company is in situation
of severe crisis and put itself up for sale. Therefore changing is necessary
for Blackberry to recover its position in market, this is also reason why CEO
John Chen who had experience on recovering fail company is employed to run the
business overcome the hard time. However, customers flavors also impact the
company change especially in product design and product experience.
3.3 Make
justified recommendations for achieving attitude change amongst a group of
stakeholders in a selected organizations
stakeholder consist of employees, managers, owner, customers, shareholders,
government and suppliers. Employees concern about how much and how often they
paid by company, therefore Blackberry change which is related to company
economy health is very important to employee. In addition, shareholders and
owner concern about company performance and revenue. The higher performance
company have, the more profit they can get. Manager pay more attention to
company activities, strategy… Their decisions are very important to Blackberry
operations. Thus the change of Blackberry has important implication to them.
Enterprise customer and government are largest customers of Blackberry, and
they concern about the safety and security of product. Hence improving OS, and
change design are special attended among them.
For owner and
shareholder, they will doubt about the possibility of new change because
company has suffered losses for a long time. When it comes to customers, they
afraid that quality and security of product will not the same as it was when
Foxconn assemble some product of Blackberry and their personal data may lose.
Moreover, Blackberry is an important company of Canada government because they
using services of Blackberry. If the change of company is fail and prompting
itself up for sale, this will severely affect national security. Thus,
government is looking forward Blackberry to recover it financial position.
In order to achieve
organizational effectiveness in the process of organizational change, there are
some method that company should use.
The first
recommendation is about emotional commitment, CEO John Chen should spend more
time on personal meeting with big enterprise customers to convince them that
the products will be ensured quality and security. Additionally, company should
save more money so that investor’s confidence can be maintained.
Secondly, it
will be better if Blackberry return to their classical design. The belt to
navigate the apps in classical devices was discarded from Blackberry 10, this
contribute to reduce considerably a number of longtime Blackberry users,
increasing product return rate and worsening the sales. Many customers prefer
to use old phone rather than new one. By bringing back the belt and focus on
developing physical keyboard, company try to make reprisal for loyal business
and government customers.
Finally, for the cooperation with Foxconn, they
just assemble entry level Blackberry devices for penetrating new market and
this company is the biggest and most reliable manufacturing in the world,
therefore, it is no need to worry about product quality and safety.
In conclusion, after analyzing
Blackberry Ltd situation we can understand different perspective of work
psychology. Thus contribution, strengths and limitation of scientific approach is
accessed clearly. In addition, we can apply the knowledge we have gained to
Blackberry situation so as we propose recommendation for the change of company
John A, Ray R. Work psychology- Understanding human behavior
in workplace fifth edition
Sean Sillcoff (2014). BlackBerry
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Sean Sillcoff (2013). Inside the
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Emoticon Emoticon